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12月2021更新: 娃娃臉奶茶色曼基妹妹 (己有主人)


Breed : munchkin (Cream)

Gender : Girl

Bod: 15 Aug 2021

FIV : negative

Parvo : negative

Cert : Wcf (The World cat federation + $1500) TICA® (The International Cat Association® ) + $800

Status : Hold

Vaccine: 1 injection with 3 in 1 zoetis

Parasite protection: Revolution 10 Nov (on skin) + Panacur® oral liquid 5 days

Ringworm / ear mites : NO (左前手第一隻手指小許癬, 紫光燈下沒瀅光反應己痊癒及重新出毛)

Handover fee : 1x,xxx

After Sale Document

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